lundi 14 octobre 2013

Parc animalier/Animal park Sarakawa

Je le dis quand meme: zebres!
I'll say it anyway: zebras!
Je ne sais plus trop: disons genre antilope!
I don't remember exactly: let's say antilope-like!
Termitiere toujours impressionante
Termite hill always impressive
Apercu de l'environement un peu montagneux du parc et de la region de Kara en general
View of the semi-mountainous environment of the parc and of Kara's region in general
Varan mangeant son petit dej: un serpent vert pomme
A "varan" (can't find it in a dictionary) eating his breakfast: an apple-green snake
Peut-etre un waterbuck, mais rien de sur!
Maybe a waterbuck, but nothing certain!
Autruche, femelle quand meme (le male a un plumage noir si vous voulez savoir)
Ostrich, female (the male has black feathers if you want to know)
Tortue, soit, mais rare parait-il (je n'ai pas pris de notes sur les differents noms, vous avez remarque? !)
Turtle, sure, but of a rare species I think (can you tell I did not take notes?!)
On a aussi vu des singes non attaches, mais de trop loin pour une photo!
We did also see non-tied up monkeys, but they were too far for a picture!
Oeuf d'autruche dans la main de Keanan
Ostrich egg in Keanan's hand

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